Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Starting my new life in Korea...

So I have been in Cheonan for 5 days now and I am finally beginning to adjust to the 13 hour time difference. I am surprised that I have been so adaptable to the time difference, the difference in food, and the inability to carry on a conversation with anyone except the "foreigners" in the city. One of the main things that I think has made it easier is the complete peace that I have felt since I stepped out of the plane onto Korean soil. I have not once been apprehensive about it or frightened, like I was when I began to make the decision to change my entire life and move here. I will definitely say that everything has been completely ordained by the hand of God. His presence has been very real to me and I am very excited about allowing Him to lead and guide me on this new journey in life.

Sunday was an interesting experience for me because I went to my first Korean church service at Sung Moon("Holy Gate") Church of the Nazarene in downtown Cheonan. The entire service was in Korean, so for the most part I was totally lost and had no idea what was going on. During the music, I recognized "There's Power in the Blood" and "As the deer" which I sang along with in English. The District Superintendent who was also the Pastor preached from Jeremiah 33:1-3. Other than that, I have no idea what was being said during the service. Despite the language barrier, the Spirit of God moved me in an incredible way. I did not need to know the words that were spoken during the message, announcements, or the prayer. I only needed to use that time to be in communion with God and worship Him with my whole heart. It was actually one of the most meaningful worship experiences I have had because I realized it was not about the words, the songs, or about me at all, but it was about God and giving total honor, glory, and devotion to Him.

Today began my orientation as an English teacher in the public school system in Cheonan. We all started our day with a health check-up at the local hospital. It involved checking our weight, height, blood pressure, an eye exam, an x-ray for something, as well as a blood test.

We didn't really know what to expect and of course didn't really understand what any of the nurses or technicians were saying, but it went very smoothly after some confusion. We were then taken back to KNU for lunch as well as a brief introduction into the mission and emphasis of the university. It was amazing to hear of the technological advances that KNU has made specializing in service to people with disabilities and handicaps. There is definitely a great ministry here that reflects the compassion that Christ had for those who are blind, deaf, mute or unable to walk.

I am excited about what God is going to do in my life this year as I adjust to life in Korea, learn a new language, and begin teaching elementary students! My prayer is that my life will reflect the love of Christ and be an example of a life changed and being changed by God!


Nathan said...

The Lord is going to do great things in Korea and I'm glad you're able to be a part of that. I know of the peace you are talking about even in the midst of being in a totally different surroundings. It shows that peace is truely from the Lord and is not depending on anything else.

Peter Migner said...

Shannon, I am so proud of you and what you are doing in serving God. I recently read about serving the Lord. The Emphasis was not that we do anything for the Lord, but that what we do in serving others gives God the honor through making ourselves available to obey Him and being available in serving others and He receives the glory. You are such an encouragement to me in your absence. When i read that you are walking in God's will it affirms for me that God has great plans for all of us even when we are spread out around the planet. Be Blessed and turn skype on when you are online and i will try to do the same.