I have found my favorite Korean food. It is commonly found around here and it is very cheap. It usually ranges from 3500 won-4000 won. It is called Dolsot Bibimbap.

I actually like any variety of bibimbap, but this kind is definitely my favorite. It looks like this, comes in a stone pot that is cooking when they bring it to you, and is mixed with rice and hot pepper paste. For some of you who worry about raw eggs, the egg actually cooks when mixed with everything. Also, beware of the hot pepper paste. If you put too much, your eyes water and your nose starts to run. I have learned to put maybe a spoonful. At school the other day, the cafeteria lady put a whole ladleful and I was nearly in tears. All of the teachers were laughing, some were worried, and my mouth has I'm sure become numb to anything hot!
In church this week, I heard a quote that I have thought a lot about this week. The quote was from Jim Elliott, one of the 4 missionaries killed by the Waodani Indians. Jim said, "He is no fool who gives what He cannot keep to gain what He cannot lose". I just wonder...Am I willing to surrender my life so completely to God that I would die for my faith? Am I too absorbed in my own desires to be able to minister effectively? I pray that Eternal life with Christ would be more important to me than anyone or anything that I could ever have in this life. I also pray that my life would be such an amazing witness for Christ that lives would be forever changed.